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kitchen table polyamory

What is Kitchen Table Polyamory?

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re more than a little confused. You may have come across the term on social media, or seen it on somebody’s dating profile. Maybe it’s been referenced on a Netflix show and you’ve been left wondering what on earth kitchen tables and polyamory have in common. Perhaps you’re even poly yourself and have no idea what… Read More »What is Kitchen Table Polyamory?

hierarchical polyamory

Hierarchical Polyamory vs. Non-Hierarchical Polyamory – What’s the Difference?

If you’re reading this, chances are you have met a polyamorous person who has told you that they practice either hierarchical polyamory or non-hierarchical polyamory. Perhaps it’s in their bio on a dating site, or perhaps you’ve been on a couple of dates with someone and they’ve brought it up, and rather than ask them the bazillion questions you want… Read More »Hierarchical Polyamory vs. Non-Hierarchical Polyamory – What’s the Difference?