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a man wearing a pink hoodie and holding a bunch of flowers, waiting for his date

What Makes a Man Chase a Woman (Hint: It’s Not What You Think)

Have you ever wondered why some women seem to effortlessly attract the attention of men, while others struggle to find a lasting connection? It’s not always about looks or intelligence; there’s a subtle dynamic at play that can significantly impact your dating success. The answer might surprise you: the key lies in letting men do the chasing. We’ve all heard… Read More »What Makes a Man Chase a Woman (Hint: It’s Not What You Think)

red flags when dating an older man

15 Red Flags When Dating an Older Man

Age-gap relationships can be incredibly fulfilling, and dating an older man can certainly be exciting. Older men have more life experience, they’ve been around the block, and they’re usually have their lives together. However, dating an older man isn’t always advisable. Your silver fox might turn out to be a committed bachelor, or he may be suffering from Peter Pan… Read More »15 Red Flags When Dating an Older Man

Does He Miss Me? Signs He Misses You After a Breakup

Relationships are hard. They require constant work and attention. Relationships are incredibly rewarding when they are working well. They are a challenge, at best, when they are not. Finding a good, healthy relationship means you’re going to have to kiss a lot of frogs in order to find your prince. Inevitably, this means there are going to be breakups, and… Read More »Does He Miss Me? Signs He Misses You After a Breakup

divine feminine energy

10 Ways to Radiate Divine Feminine Energy

Many of us have grown up in patriarchal societies that celebrate the masculine, and consider the feminine as being weak and ‘less than,’ somehow. As women, we are taught to embody masculine traits like assertiveness and leadership if we want to succeed, while at the same time, suppressing our innate feminine qualities. Our feminine energy can easily become neglected, to… Read More »10 Ways to Radiate Divine Feminine Energy

signs a virgo man is not serious about you

11 Signs a Virgo Man is Not Serious About You

If you type ‘signs a Virgo man is not serious about you‘ into Google, you’ll find that most of the results are forums teeming with people who seem to really despite Virgo men. I ended up down some deep rabbit holes while researching this article, and I was shocked by the vitriol displayed towards Virgo men! Describing them as being controlling, manipulative,… Read More »11 Signs a Virgo Man is Not Serious About You

100 Positive Affirmations for Friendship

Are you looking for some positive affirmations for friendship? Perhaps you’re looking for some best friend affirmations, or maybe even some affirmations for new friends! You’re not alone. Building and nurturing friendships takes effort, but sometimes that inner voice can hold us back. Not only that, but the older we get, the people focus on their careers, marriages, and babies,… Read More »100 Positive Affirmations for Friendship

signs of blocked feminine energy

15 Signs of Blocked Feminine Energy, and How to Fix Them!

Energy balance plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. One aspect of this balance is the relationship between our masculine and feminine energies. Everybody has both masculine and feminine energy inside of them, but in order to us to be the best version of ourselves, it’s important that these competing energies are balanced. Recently, I’ve noticed that I have… Read More »15 Signs of Blocked Feminine Energy, and How to Fix Them!

15 Signs That a Taurus Man Likes You

So, you’re interested in a Taurus man and are wondering what are the tell-tale signs that a Taurus man likes you. I don’t blame you. Taurus men are sexy, stubborn, protective, and aren’t afraid to go for what they want. However, Taurus men aren’t always the best at communicating their feelings, especially in the beginning. They put up a tough… Read More »15 Signs That a Taurus Man Likes You

a woman in a meadow with flowers

Why Putting Yourself First Can Save Your Relationship

Do you often find yourself feeling overwhelmed or drained in your relationship? It might be time to shift your focus back to yourself!  Prioritising self-care and self-love is not only essential for your personal well-being, but it can also be the key to saving your relationship! By investing in yourself first, you are better equipped to nurture your connection with your… Read More »Why Putting Yourself First Can Save Your Relationship

how to make an aquarius man jealous

How to Make an Aquarius Man Jealous

So, you’re dating an Aquarius man? Brace yourself for a rollercoaster of excitement and fulfilment, thanks to their free-spirited vibe and knack for keeping the relationship spark alive. Aquarius men are the unconventional, free-spirited souls of the zodiac, known for their independent streak and a penchant for marching to the beat of their own drum. They are the thinkers, the… Read More »How to Make an Aquarius Man Jealous