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12 Undeniable Signs an Emotionally Unavailable Man is in Love With You

Dating an emotionally unavailable man can be confusing (to put it mildly!).

One moment, he’s making you feel like the most important person in the world, and the next, he’s distant, leaving you questioning everything.

But here’s the thing – just because he’s hard to read doesn’t mean he’s not capable of love.

In fact, beneath that tough exterior, there might be a heart that’s slowly opening up, just for you. If you’ve been wondering whether his guarded behaviour hides deeper feelings, you’re in the right place.

Keep reading to discover 12 undeniable signs that an emotionally unavailable man is secretly in love with you.

12 Signs an Emotionally Unavailable Man is in Love With You

1. He opens up to you

Emotionally unavailable men are typically guarded, especially when it comes to their past.

If he starts to share personal stories, childhood memories, or experiences that have shaped who he is today, it’s a significant step. This openness indicates trust and a willingness to be vulnerable, which are clear signs that he’s developing deeper feelings for you. It means he’s letting you into his inner world (something he doesn’t do lightly).

2. He’s protective over you

Emotionally unavailable men often struggle with expressing their feelings verbally, so they may show their love in other ways, like being protective.

Whether it’s walking you to your car, checking in to make sure you got home safely, or stepping in when he thinks you’re in a tough situation, this protective behaviour is his way of showing that he cares deeply about your well-being. If he’s consistently looking out for you, it’s a strong indication that his feelings are more than just casual.

3. He asks for (and listens to) your opinion

Emotionally unavailable men usually rely heavily on themselves and tend to keep their decision-making process private.

When he starts asking for your opinion and genuinely listens to what you have to say, it’s a sign that he values your thoughts and sees you as an important part of his life, as well as trusting you enough to let you influence his decisions.

4. He uses ‘we’ instead of ‘I’

Emotionally unavailable men are often fiercely independent, so when he starts using ‘we’ instead of ‘I,’ it’s a big deal.

This language shift indicates that he’s beginning to see you as a team and is mentally integrating you into his life. It’s a subtle but powerful way of expressing that he’s not just thinking about himself anymore – he’s thinking about the two of you together, as a unit.

a happy couple kissing and laughing

5. He validates your emotions rather than ignoring them

One of the hallmarks of emotional unavailability is a lack of empathy, which results in a tendency to dismiss or ignore a partner’s feelings.

If he begins to validate your emotions – acknowledging how you feel, offering comfort, and responding with empathy – it’s a sign that he’s becoming more attuned to your needs and is willing to engage with you on a deeper emotional level.

6. He makes time for you

Chances are, his independent nature means that he prioritises his own time and space, so if he’s making an effort to spend time with you despite his busy schedule, it’s a good sign!

By carving out time for you, he’s showing that you’re important to him and that he’s willing to prioritise your relationship over other demands in his life.

7. He talks about the future with you

A textbook trait of emotionally unavailable men is a reluctance to talk about the future of your relationship (commitment scares the hell out of them!).

If he starts talking about future plans that involve you – whether it’s a vacation, a birthday party, or even where you see yourselves in a few years – he’s beginning to envision a future where you’re a key part of his life.

8. He remembers little details about you

One of the biggest signs that an emotionally unavailable man is in love with you is if he pays attention to the little things.

If he remembers things like your favourite coffee order, a story you told him weeks ago, or an important date, he’s paying attention.

If he’s paying attention, it’s because he cares.

a woman journaling while a man sits beside her

9. He introduces you to those closest to him

It’s a big step for anyone to let someone into their inner circle, but for an emotionally unavailable man, this is even more significant.

Introducing you to his close friends or family means he’s taking the relationship seriously and is willing to let down his walls to include you in his life.

10. He shows vulnerability by expressing self-doubt or fear

Emotionally unavailable men are usually very guarded, especially about their weaknesses. If he starts sharing his fears, doubts, or insecurities with you, it’s a major sign of trust and emotional intimacy. Vulnerability is difficult for these men, so when he opens up in this way, it means a lot.

11. He wants to do the work on himself and change for you

If he expresses a desire to work on himself and his emotional unavailability, it’s a powerful sign of his commitment to the relationship. Emotionally unavailable men often struggle with self-awareness, so recognising that he needs to make changes (and being willing to put in the effort) shows that he’s serious about making the relationship work.

It’s crucial to support him in this journey without pushing too hard, as he needs to take these steps at his own pace, and not because he feels pressured to do so.

12. He doesn’t ghost when things get tough

One of the most telling signs that an emotionally unavailable man is in love with you is how he handles challenges in the relationship.

If he’s consistently present and doesn’t disappear when things get tough, it shows that he’s willing to fight for the relationship, rather than running away when things get complicated (which may be his natural instinct).

a person wearing a white sheet, dressed as a ghost

Emotionally Unavailable Men 101

Do emotionally unavailable men fall in love?

Emotionally unavailable men can fall in love, but it’s complicated (and often frustrating).

Emotionally unavailable men have a hard time connecting on a deeper emotional level. They might be charming, attractive, and fun to be around, but when it comes to opening up their hearts, they’re more likely to keep the doors firmly locked.

It’s not that they’re immune to feelings. They can experience love just like anyone else, but often struggle to express it. These men often have deep-rooted fears or unresolved issues that prevent them from fully embracing vulnerability, which is a key ingredient in any healthy, loving relationship.

When they do fall in love, they might not even recognise it themselves. They could feel intense emotions but lack the emotional toolkit to navigate those feelings. This often results in confusing, hot-and-cold behaviour that leaves you questioning where you stand.

So, do emotionally unavailable men fall in love?

Yes, but they might not be able to show it in a way that makes you feel truly loved and secure.

Can you change an emotionally unavailable man?

You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change.

While your love and patience might help an emotionally unavailable man become more aware of his feelings, the decision to work through his issues is ultimately his.

If he’s not willing to put in the effort, there’s nothing you can do to change that.

What attracts an emotionally unavailable man?

Emotionally unavailable men are often attracted to independent women with an air of mystery. This might be because they themselves struggle with emotional intimacy, so the idea of a low-maintenance relationship with someone they can’t fully figure out is appealing.

They also love the chase, and for many emotionally unavailable men, the chase is often more exciting than the actual relationship. The thrill of pursuing someone who isn’t easily won over can give them a sense of accomplishment, even if they’re not prepared for what comes after they’ve ‘caught’ you.

Lastly, let’s not forget the basics: physical attraction and chemistry. Like anybody, emotionally unavailable men are naturally drawn to those they find physically attractive, but this attraction often remains surface-level, focused more on physicality than emotional intimacy.

How to identify an emotionally unavailable man

When you know how to spot the signs, identifying an emotionally unavailable man is easy.

Here are some dead giveaways:

  • He’s reluctant to engage in deep conversations, especially about his feelings and the future.
  • He tells you he’s not looking for anything serious.
  • He exhibits inconsistent behaviour, and is constantly blowing hot and cold.
  • He refuses to define the relationship.
  • He doesn’t introduce you to his friends and family.
  • He seems more interested in the physical than in getting to know you on a deeper level.
  • He avoids making future plans.

Final Thoughts

So, now you know how to tell when an emotionally unavailable man is in love, you can begin to understand his feelings and built a truly meaningful connection.

With that being said, sustaining a relationship with an emotionally unavailable man can be draining.

Always remember that you deserve a relationship that’s emotionally fulfilling and not one-sided.

Don’t settle for less than the love and intimacy you truly deserve.

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